Your Child Is Ready For Kindergarten With All the skills they need
We lay the foundation of their future educational success and healthy social-emotional development
Your Child Is Ready For Kindergarten With All the skills they need
We lay the foundation of their future educational success and healthy social-emotional development
Preschool & TK Program | 3 - 5 years | Serving Hawthorne, CA
safe haven
A Safe Haven For Your Child To soar
Social-Emotional Skills
A focus on Essential Social-Emotional Skills
Your child learns good school habits like taking their turn to speak, how to actively listen, a respect for physical boundaries, how to share toys, shake hands and more. Your child not only practices exemplary behavior that will benefit them inside and out of school, they also share in the simple joys of making lasting friendships and treating each other kindly.
Play-Based Creative Curriculum© makes learning fun
Children learn best when they have the safety and freedom to explore their world, make observations, and ask questions. Our play-based Creative Curriculum©
ensures early literacy and math skills, which we nest into a variety of fun-filled daily activities.
Music, Arts, and Crafts
Encouraging New Skills with Music, Arts, and Crafts
Qualified Teachers
Qualified Teachers Give Your Child Attention and Guidance
confidence and Leadership
children help eachother Build Confidence and Leadership
A mixed-age classes aren’t without intention: mixed-age learning opportunities create a family of learners. Your child learns to support and care for others, and naturally becomes a helpful mentor and leader within our community.